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Our products in the webshop

The respiratory monitoring systems Checkboxand EUROBOX provide safety through the electronic registration device for operatives wearing respiratory devices during a deployment. The EUROBOX models work with name plates, known as tallies, while the Checkbox models use transponders that uniquely identify the operative wearing a respiratory device. With the help of our systems, two (EUROBOX) to 32 teams (Checkbox 20) can be monitored simultaneously. Our EUROBOX and Checkbox models were developed in close cooperation with fire brigades and are based on their actual operative requirements.

Respiratory monitoring
Battery testing and charging systems
Air and power supply systems
Energy consumption


Checkbox 20

Safety is our mission

  • Cooperation with international emergency services and associations
    All our products are developed in-house, with and for the
    emergency services.
  • More than 15,000 emergency vehicles and boats
    … as well as thousands of plug-in connections for air and electricity, are already connected to Industrieelektronik Pölz systems, with the emergency services more than satisfied.
  • Deployed all over Europe
    Our products have been successfully deployed in Austria, Germany, Luxembourg, Slovakia, Slovenia, Italy and Switzerland, among other countries.