€ 42,99
Universal rechargeable battery adapter for all commonly used NiCd, NiMH rechargeable batteries
AkkuGuard – U Processor-controlled battery monitoring Undervoltage alarm (horn)
BLR400 Batterielade- u -regeneriersystem für NiCd-/NiMh-Akkus BLR 400 Battery charging and regenerating system for NiCd / NiMh rechargeable batteries
AkkuGuard – A Prozessorgesteuerte Batterieüberwachung autom. Abschaltung der Nebenverbraucher AkkuGuard – A Processor-controlled battery monitoring automatic shut-off if auxilary
BLC-Box Batterielade- und -ausgleichsbox Lieferzeit ca. 6 Monate BLC Box Battery charging and delivery time ca. 6 months
BLR 400 Ladekabel BLR 400 charging cable
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