30931 Software agreement 60
small, saving 37 %
The software agreement contains the following points:
- Change parameter settings
- Install drivers
- Correct display
- Perform software update
- Set up USB port
small, saving 37 %
The software agreement contains the following points:
Puch for Checkbox 5+1 USB and serial version
EUROBOX Berlin (mit Uhr) Sonderanfertigung Registriervorrichtung zur zeitl. Überw. V. Atemschutzgeräteträgern Vers Berlin EUROBOX Berlin Recording device for time monitoring of operatives wearing respiratory devices
Checkbox 5+1 SERIELL inkl. 8 Batterien (30143) inkl. Pouch for Checkbox (30166)
EUROBOX tally with engraving Name plate with engraving Variant 1
Pouch for EUROBOX
Transponder für Checkbox 20
Conversion Checkbox 5+1 Serial to USB V03
Checkbox 20 mit Netzteil inkl Gerätetasche
EUROBOX Nürenberg Recording device for time monitoring of operatives wearing respiratory devices
Cord attachment for transponder Retractable
Ladeeinheit für Checkbox 20
Checkbox 20 mit Ladeeinheit inkl. Gerätetasche
Software agreement 60 min small Saving 37 %
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